Sunday, 31 July 2011


Some members of AOG (“A-One-Group”) met again as usual during yesterday’s mid-Saturday morning for “randau pak-kopi” (or coffee-shop talk) down town in BDC shopping complex. The “randau pak-kopi” was typical socializing time to keep in touch and abreast with some recent news and events which seemed and might generate adverse effects on national security, politics and economy of the country.

Alberto (not his real name) said he read about Khary Jamaluddin's comment in ‘The Malaysian Insider’ about Wahhabism in Malaysia. In making particular reference to ‘The Malaysian Insider’ (dated 30th July 2011), Alberto read (from the print out) and said:
(i)      “...that Putrajaya had ruled out Wahhabism as a national security threat, and that Saudi Arabia did not propagate any violence in Malaysia through the teaching.”
(ii)    “...that the NSC (National Security Council) has decided that while the practice of Wahhabism does exist in the country, but it does not pose any immediate security threat.”
(iii)  “...that Malaysia’s relationship with Saudi Arabia has been affected following the threat of Wahhabism being linked to the Arab country.”

Julio (not his real name) commented:
“With its admission about the existence and practice of Wahhabism, the National Secuurity Council  had been very watchful in ensuring that the movement would not pose threat to the national security. The assurance came with relief under the current situation. Nonetheless, chains of current and future events in Saudi Arabia might have some influences since Wahhabism in Malaysia had its origin from Saudi Arabia..... the connection is undeniably natural.......Although the subject matter of Wahhabism is very Islamic in nature, Malaysian authority need to consider and make efforts to explain the matter to the non-Muslim-Malaysians who are ignorant......It is because  security threats are conceren of all peace-loving Malaysians.............

For example in the old days, the authority went all out to fight communism as the enemy of democracy-loving citizens by telling and educating the public (irrespective of religions, races, and political affiliations) about the menace of subversive and militant communism in propagating communist ideologies using The Red Book (or “The Thoughts of Mao Tze-Tung”) through CUF (Communist United Front) organizations and activities, AND supported by militancy through tactical-war-ideology termed as: “Power Grows From Barrels of Guns."

Antonio cautioned the group that Wahhabism cannot and should not be equated with Communism.....The first one being religious in nature while the second one was being political in nature... But the use of militancy knows no bound between religions and politics.

Earnesto (not his real name) said:
“We must not say anything about religion of others that we do not know ....... Friends! Remember the saying: Do not trouble trouble until trouble troubles you! ...Do not ask for trouble , lah!”

Antonio butted in:
What..Earnseto? Are you saying that you should not be bothered about something that may and will trouble UNTIL the trouble comes and affects you? When it does happen it is too late ......... Do not be negative and passive, lah! .... I do agree with Julio..... We need to be well informed ... But who is going to tell or explain to us and .... I strongly supported the proposal made by Julio to request the Government and/or YBs to take the initiative.....especially so in creating awareness among the unassuming and ignorant rural folks ... in longhouses.

Alberto said:
“We’re educated people. Do we’ve to wait for the Government or YBs to explain such matter openly as they normally do so on matters against their political opponents in TV and their-controlled newspapers and media.........

There are other sources of information such as alternative internet news and media....... to deepen and balance what we already know........  There are some people out there who preferred that we know less than them so that we become victims of ignorance by our own inactiivity or passivity...... .”

 Sharing my thought on the above
Seen in the context of “people first” in tandem with 1Malaysia Concept, it is appropriate for the people-caring government to take corrective steps toward educating people on the subject matter as it may become menace and poses security threats.

Saturday, 23 July 2011



On all counts SNAP refuses to bow down to the voices of doom. Mauled and badly wounded as it is, the fight ought to be brought to the finish; but a beaten and battered lion will need nothing less than a miracle to get back on its feet.


(i) There must be a complete overhaul of its leadership: a new, dynamic team of active, capable young professionals must be at the helm.

(ii)  It ought to remain true to its multi-racial entity and veer away from its rhetoric stance: that it is a party of the Dayak, by the Dayaks, and for the Dayaks.

(iii)  The approaches to change must be redefined, drastic, and radical. There is no time to waste. The situation is likened to a fish out of water; and no one is boarding a fast sinking ship.

(iv)  For SNAP’s sake, its survival and future direction hinge on the leadership styles of the would-be-inducted leaders during the forthcoming TGA (ideally to comprise three-quarters in term of youthful leaders of 42 years old and below)

The forthcoming TGA scheduled on 24th and 25th September 2011 is the most appropriate and best time to undertake the above tasks to coincide with SNAP’s 50th Anniversary Celebration.

Like it not, SNAP has to acknowledge that resources including money are the life-lines of a party to stay afloat and move forward (like other political organizations).
Lofty ideals are only fine on a bright sunny days BUT not so during and in the aftermath of “tsunami”.

SNAP’s must recognize the real need for strategic political alignment. There is no place for pride.

HEAR YE ....  !!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

The Illegalized Street-Walks......

The Illegalized Street-Walks......

The initial effect and/or impact of Bersih's illegalized street walks toward the Indoor Stadium (09.07.2011) had already began which can be seen from (pro-UMNO) NST first-page headline (12.07.2011) entitled: "Election Commission to improve voting system". 

Another profound impact of Bersih's street-walks was evidenced by the positive statement made by Zaki Zahid  (member of  UMNO's Youth executive council) who was interviewed by ABC Radio recently.  He said he was considering sitting down with representatives from Pakatan to talk about Bersih's-eight-demands for electoral reform.  Zaki Zahid opined that dialogue and debate were ways forward for younger generations. Whether the plan take effect or otherwise in the near future remain to be seen.

Albeit sketchy in nature, 'the thing (news and responses) speak for itself ' on the 'need' or 'demands', and 'warnings' for political reforms to facilitate 'greater transparency and fairer democratic election process' were already in the streets.  

Report  (on neutral) responses or messages from Malaysian Bar President Lim Chee Wee, and Human Rights Committee of Malaysia (Suhakam) Commissioner Muhammad Sha'aoni Abdullah were expressions of public support for  the EC over its willingness to improve the voting system. Tacitly the responses also pointed out to the need for electoral reforms per 'demands' already made by Bersih.

Although the 'demand or request for electoral reforms' came sectional-ly from the opposing camp called Bersih, the 'demand' or 'request' (which transformed into recent street-request)  was still "peoples' request" by and large.

As "peoples' request", it is in the public interest that the request (for electoral reforms by the people for the people) be considered in the context of "people first, performance now" - a core principle in Najib-1Malaysia's national performance philosophy. It follows that it is the expectation of many concerned Malaysians that the EC pursue its tasks dutifully and independently without any fear or favour from anyone wearing whatever colour of his/her shirts may be.
When and in what forms the electoral reforms to be pursued by the EC higly depended on the nature of the eight-points reform proposed by Bersih group viz-a-viz acceptance or rejection by the ruling group.

In so far as Sarawak and Sabah are concerned, such electoral reforms must not be confined exclusively on improving postal voting system. Electoral reforms  must also include reviews and  improvements on electoral system affecting sub-urban areas and in particular rural constituencies. 

As I see it, such electoral reforms must also focus on three main areas described below.

1. The 'relatively new' or current system devised by the Election Commission (EC) in lumping names of registered voters in the electoral rolls by polling stations which cancelled  the previous system in listing registered voters according to their longhouses or kampongs facilitated registration of phantom voters (i.e imported-voters who were not actual residents of the longhouses or kampongs and who had no connection  with the constituencies except as "fixed-deposit" for candidates who sponsored  them during election for money-sake).  

In all fairness, the EC must revert back to the pervious listing of registered  voters by longhouses, kampong or villages to ensure that registered voters were  genunine residents or non-residents with birth, marriage and home-village  connections. Through the previous system, local residents/voters were in position to identify the presence of registered phantom voters in the electoral rolls and lodge written complaint to the EC about registration of phantom voters.

2. The current practice of vote-counting by polling stations on the spot  after the closing of voting time (in rural areas) is convenient as well as money-and-time saving. However, the practice defiles secrecy ethics and making a mockery of the principle of fairness in demcratic election.

By such system of vote-counting, it is almost 100% certain to to find out "who-voted-who" under vote-buying-winning strategy termed as "Pre-paid", "C.O.D", and "Post-paid" method reinforce by "veiled threats" on defaulters.
The system breeds money politics and corrupt practices. The system also encourage the use of political and criminal intimadation on voters in rural areas during election period, and political victimization or supression post election time.
To safeguard or reduce occurances of such malpractices is to go back to the old or previous centralized-counting system (however inconvenient and time taking the process may be) whereby tallying of votes were conducted according to boxes, and then mixed-up well before the process of  vote-verification (i.e putting ballot papers accordingly into baskets alllocated to respective candidates) after which the  votes were conunted and tallied as the last two stages.

3. Vote-counting ought to done during day time  from early mornig to avoid  technically questionable incident of "padam api" or "power failure" at night. Occurrence of darkness in counting center tends to undermine transparency in vote-counting process.

Monday, 11 July 2011


Below is an article written by an old school-mate (retired forest officer) entitled:

Some readers might be obsessed by great news published in The Borneo Post on 14th June 2011 captioned: “Dr. Jerip: Gov’t revokes licence to extract timber n Krokong-Tringgus area”. This is indeed unprecedented and almost unbelievable as far as revocation made due to water pollutions and encroachments into NCR lands.

Numerous protests in the past years over timber concessions and contractors in the forms of letters, blockades, human barricades and even litigations in court had not been seen to the extent of revocation. Complaints and appeals over pollutions affecting creeks, streams, rivers, siltation, and sedimentations due to the runoff and leaching, slope erosion, fish spawning areas and pristine home of many animals came to no avail.

In some concession areas, the problems were normally resolved by demarcating buffer zone but due to human greed, numerous complaints were made to competent authorities over illegal logging of this buffer zone. In Sarawak, wanton timber extractions are believed to be rampant and sporadic without adhering to the prescribed logging management plans. If enforcement could not cope up, why more timer licences issued?

While concurring to timber industry as one of the state’s major economies, there seem to be lesser mitigation towards the adverse logging impacts upstream. Authorities concerned must scrutinize these phenomena even before issuance of timber licence.

I SALUTE THE BIDAYUHS formerly called the Land Dayaks for their ability in propounding and resounding success toward this revocation. It should be emulated by other communities affected by adverse effects of timber extractions nearby their areas.

By Aki-Uchu (10th July 2011)

Aki-Uchu ! THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your informative article.
Any reader wishing to contribute and share an article for publication in this blog spot may email   your piece to me at:
Please be informed that the right to edit and publish an article sent remains with me. THANK YOU

Friday, 8 July 2011


 The Sword of Damocles” was a legendry story about Dionysius II. He   was Greek ruler of Syracuse city in Sicily. The ruler apparently looked very happy with all the powers, riches, luxuries, comforts, etc........ which he inherited from his father (Dionysius I) including the ones he acquired personally over the years of ruling.
Character-wise, Dionysius II was a tyrant who could not bear or withstand any criticism made against him and/or his administration. In denial, he even employed court-flatterers to massage and inflate his ego.  One day one of his favourite court-flatterers or fawner named Damocles said to the tyrant- king how he (Damocles) wished he could have an opportunity to be someone as powerful, fortunate and happy as the king.
On hearing his wish, Dionysius II said to Damocles: "If you think I'm so powerful and fortunate, how would you like to try out my life for a period not exceeding seven days? You’re at liberty to resign at any time within the period. "
Damocles decided and accepted the offer gleefully without a second thought.
As Damocles was enjoying the kingly seat on the throne on the first day, he was utterly shocked and felt very upset to see one very sharp naked-double-edged-sword dangled or hanged by thin old thread right above his head.  
When dinner was served Damocles had no appetite to eat. The hunger was overtaken by the fear of an imminent danger from another similar sword hanged similarly right above where he sat by the dinner table.
He retired and was seated on a sofa made of sheep wool in the ante-room by the bedroom. Specially brewed coffee, superb wine and cheese were served in traditional manner. Damocles had totally lost his appetite.
Glancing around the big ante-room, he saw shelves all around neatly and fullly stacked with categorized files. There were: names of big companies; names of Dionysius II’s cabinet ministers; names of top civil servants; names of famous corporate figures; names of opposition leaders, parties and enemies (including eliminated list); ...... and names of individuals.  
Flipping through few selected files, Damocles read and understood (for the first time) the strategic practices of Machiavellianism employed by Dionysius II (and by his father - Dionysius I) in ruling the city with "iron-claws". From the little that he read, Damocles saw evidences of excessive power abuses (including corruptions), and the use of  “Money, Wine and Women” as tools by Dionysius II (and his father) to control his kingdom effectively.
From the shelf entitled “Department of Lies - Court Flatterers ”, he saw and read his own file. The passages were hand-written by Dionysius II which read: “Very well-educated, the best and most  well-paid among the flatterers .... Most flatterers tend to be dangerous.... their flattering are lies and illusive... tend to make ruler carried away from the reality.... YET to employ them is very necessary to tell white lies publicly to camouflage the truths about the realities.....
As he lay down to sleep on the kingly-bed that very first night, Damocles also saw another sharp sword suspended similarly from above the ceiling (like the first and second ones he saw earlier). The sharp sword pointed downward right on his chest at the area of the heart. Apparently the thin old thread of wool by which the sword was hanged could give-in anytime causing the sword to drop and kill him. The night on the kingly-bed was sleepless nightmare.
Damocles' perception and expectation of happy experiences were absolutely dislocated.
Realizing the imminent dangers 'everywhere' and fearful for his life, Damocles  decided to back-out and ‘resigned’ as the first thing to do the next morning and returned to his normal life as the best ego-massager. Permission was granted.
Although life as court-flatterer was not so privileged and less fortunate, Damocles felt very much happier and safer to go back and serve in the  "Court of Flatterers" (or "Majlis Ampu-Mengampu" if translated literally into BM) . 

Note : Ref:  William J. Bennett’s “The Book of Virtues” with my expanded version.


1.  It is a common perception or tendency to assume that a person is happy through
     appearances because of power, high positions, wealth and possessions.
2. The story depicts dangers and heavy responsibilities of a ruler in the arts of maintaining,
    strengthening and entrenching his position.
3. It was said: "The greatness of a man is measured NOT by what he does, BUT who and
    what he is." - Anon

Wednesday, 6 July 2011



EXCEPT for the CHOICE to be born as a particular gender and into a particular family, race and/or religion, ALL of us who are born into this world are endowed with multiple FREEDOM OF (personal) CHOICE in life including an ungodly CHOICE of dying by suicide.

From the statement above, reader(s) may ask why I choose to mention and write something about CHOICE herein and what is the relevance?

I choose or my CHOICE to mention something briefly below about CHOICE is because a CHOICE is about achieving ones’ objective(s). CHOICE also makes the chooser its servant to live by the CHOICE he/she already made.  On the other hand, CHOICE may and can also ‘enslave’ a chooser to become abusive and destructive.

In leadership position for example, leadership’s CHOICE to stay and sustain its ruling and/or dominating position (in government) is always crucial. Good intentions and the CHOICE of sound policies and good governance can and may slip-off or side-track toward nepotisms and cronyisms by which power-greed and self-enrichment breed corruptions and political oppressions.

Since an established ruling group has the democratic legitimacy of control over the state machineries and instruments, their natural CHOICE is to maximize and expand the use those machineries and instruments to formulate and implement policies or programmes toward positional entrenchment.

It is a natural CHOICE for people to group together to oppose nepotisms, cronyisms, corruptions, and political oppressions when they feel the effects and impacts on their livelihood and the nation.

It is the CHOICE of Bersih Group (in NGO’s style) to proceed OR not to proceed with its plan to hold peaceful demonstration (as scheduled on 09.07.2011) nation-wide. Either one, the CHOICE will have the immediate intended as well as far reaching impacts on the nation’s future. For the Bersih Group,it seemed that the CHOICE of peaceful demonstration is about achieving its ‘legitimate’ objective in “shaking” the authority in power from the allaged “deep denial-syndrme-slumber ” - "To have clean and fair election".

It is also the freedom of CHOICE of individual members of Bersih Group to stick OR back-out from participating in the planned demonstration.

It is also the most important CHOICE of BN leadership within its means to warn, discourage and contain the demonstration if and when it does take place. The leadership position of Najib-led BN is being challenged seriously outside the election process publicly by the CHOICE of a group of the country’s well-known professionals to lead and participate in the intended demonstration who seemed to be well prepared in facing the consequences of their CHOICE.

It is also the CHOICE of the Police to act reasonably and humanly in handling the demonstrators  within the laws with professionalism in accordance with the Police Act and Regulations.

It is also a wise CHOICE of the Patriot Group to take heed of the kingly advice from the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong to refrain from proceeding with ‘counter-Bersih-demonstration’  or adding insult to injury to worsen the situation.

WE (all) are either MASTERS or SLAVES (or victims) of OUR OWN CHOICE(s) in achieving our objective(s). Hence our respective attitudes are also being shaped and guided by the respective CHOICE(s) we do make.




After reading today’s Borneo Post this morning (6th July 2011), it is my CHOICE to include new information below. The objective of the CHOICE is to update readers on the latest development regarding the issue of such national importance.

It was a wise CHOICE of Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan (the chairperson of the demonstration)  in seeking audience with the Yang Di-Peretuan Agong in order to resolve the matter. It was kingly CHOICE of the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong for consenting to meet with the chairperson.

The CHOICE by the organizer to call-off the street demonstration was in response to the offer made by the government to have the rally held in the indoor Stadium.

It was the government’s CHOICE to response affirmatively and transferred the burden of ensuring peaceful assembly to the organizer. The CHOICE was for the organizers (on behalf of themselves and participants) to keep their words in keeping peace throughout the period of the rally.

The outcomes of the CHOICE to compromise for both parties (the ‘demonstrators’ and the ‘government’) are crucial.

For the ‘demonstrators’, the new CHOICE of holding the demonstration indoor is about satisfying the effort and objectives in organizing the demonstration.

For the government, the CHOICE of allowing the rally to proceed indoor was a strategic response to control law and order as a matter of priority while promoting and maintaining democratic freedom.

The CHOICE seemed to be a ‘WIN-WIN’ situation in so far as the plan to hold and control the rally in-door is concerned.
ADDENDUM #2  ( Thursday 07-07-2011)
Late last night, I watched televised discussion on Bresih-intended rally. One of the three speakers was Dato’  Sharil Samad. It was suggested that the rally be shifted from the Federal Capital to Shah Alam in Selangor.
The CHOICE is facing three main problems.
(1) Getting Police permit to assemble. The application for an assembly requires a minimum period of seven (7) days
       of submission before the event. However, under special circumstances, the period may be lessened.
(2) Bersih is said to be ‘unregistered NGO”. If that is so,  Bersh has no locus standi to make an application to hold
      the assembly.
(3) What is the alternative CHOICE ? 

A CHOICE or DECISION is indeed critical
It follows that every individual CHOICE or decision we made and will make for ourselves (our families ...government, organizations...) shape and guide our actions AFFECTING our own lives and that of others (consciously/unconsciously) beneficially otherwise detrimentally.

Life is full of CHOICES
But one has to make many CHOICES in one's life time.