Onward journey from Kumpang Langgir Engkilili in Sri Aman Sarawak Malaysia to Dusun Kedang Hulu Kapuas in West Kalimantan Indonesia
Comparatively the experiences were quite smiliar to that of my “child-and-teenage-hood" in the late 1950s - 1960s when inter-villages communications in those years were by means of rivers, footpaths and jungle tracks
The location of Gunung Doa Segala Bangsa Kedang is about 100 meters away from Sarawak in the Indonesian side of Sarawak/Kalimantan Border at N01.01376o E111.70946o. At the altitude of 604 meters above the sea level, the height was not high comparatively with other taller mountains. However, treking up Kedang Mountain up and down through steep valley-slopes was a great challenge. Especially so after a long lapse of many-many years.
Up-mountain journey - The scenery behind is of BUKIT TUGA (or Tree-Stump
Mountain) FRONT: Anthony Belon BEHIND: Bajau Biju
A section of up-mountain jungle track
Trig. Station facing (a) Sarawak & (b) Kalimantan Barat Indonesia
Rare mountain snail locally known as "Tuntong"
Fellowship over lunch on Saturday 22-10-2011
From left to right: Pstr. Timothy; Anthony Belon; Agnes L. Belon; and Bajau Biju
Saturday night Bible Study & Fellowship (22-10-2011)
Pastor Timothy (of Nanga Wak Hulu Ketungau Kalimantan Barat Ind.) read Bible verses
Praying after planting of mangostin seedling near the Prayer House on Sunday on 23-10-2011.
LEFT: Pstr. Nanggun; CENTRE: Alexamder Paong; RIGHT: Bajau Biju: SQUATTING:Anthony Belon
Also planted near the site of the Prayer House: one rembutan seedling by Pstr. Nyanggun; and one mango seedling by Alexander Paong. The three types of fruit tree seedling were brought from Kuching.
Coming down from the mountain: TEAM WORK - Crossing Merakai River after heavy rain (Afternoon on 23/10/11)
Front: Bajau Biju followed by Agnes L. Belon; Anthony Belon; and Alexander Paong.
Some members of the Team (22-10-2011)
Ready to depart on Sunday 23-10-2011
Departure on 23-10-2011.
View infront isThe Third Uppermost Waterfall in Merakai River
View infront isThe Third Uppermost Waterfall in Merakai River
Second Uppermost Waterfall in Merakai River about 80 meters from the Prayer House. Located about 25 meters upstream from the Third Uppermost Waterfall
Third uppermost waterfall in Merakai River about 50 meters from the Prayer House. Located about 25 meters downstream from the Second Uppermost Waterfall
Fourth Uppermost Waterfall in Merakai River located about 35 meters downstream from the Third Uppermost Waterfall.
The steep-fall from top to downstream (or below) is about 300 meters.
Benji Behin sat on dry rock about 15 meters away from the steep-fall
The steep-fall from top to downstream (or below) is about 300 meters.
Benji Behin sat on dry rock about 15 meters away from the steep-fall
NOTE : It is biblical to establish All Nations Prayer Mountain. In this case the prayer mountain is called “All Nations Prayer Mountain Kedang”.
Isaiah 2:2-5 says: “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the LORD’s house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And it shall be exalted above the hills And all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say:”Come and let us go up the mountain of the LORD, To the house of God of Jacob, He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths” For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, And rebuke many people, they shall beat their swords into ploughshares And their spears into pruning hooks Nation shall not lift up sword against nation Neither shall they learn war anymore. O house of Jacob, come and let us walk In the light of the LORD”.
Yesaya 2:2-5 berbunyi demikian: “Akan jadi pada-pada hari yang terakhir gunung tempat rumah TUHAN akan berdiri tegak di hulu gunung-guuong, dan menjulang tinggi di atas bukit; segala bangsa akan berduyun-duyun ke sana dan banyak suku bangsa akan pergi serta berkata:”Mari kita naik gunung TUHAN ke rumah Allah Yakub, supaya Ia mengajar kita tentang jalan-jalan Nya, dan supaya kita berjalan menempuhnya sebab dari Sion akan keluar pengajaran dan firman TUHAN dari Yerusalem.” Ia akan menyadi hakim antara bangsa-bangsa; dan akan menyadi wasit bagi suku bangsa; maka mereka akan menempa pedang-pedangnya menyadi mata bajak dan tombak-tombaknya menyadi pisau pemangkas, bangsa tidak akan lagi belajar perang. Hai kaum keturunan Yakob mari kita berjalan dalam terang TUHAN”.
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