Thursday 16 June 2011


Article entitled: “The rural Dayak voters are getting smarter”
posted by Unggal Dr. John A. Brian

My  Posting
§  Anthony Belon on June 11th, 2011 6:15 pm

Dear Unggal Dr. John Brian,

Wishing you and family belated Gawai

A vision of the future is ongoing and evolving. It is all about hopeful look into the future that stirs one’s heart and mind. Those who set their own goals know their own directions, tasks and potentials.

Don’t worry about those who disagree. They are friends on the side of the fences who challenge you to think and write better. Making mistakes are signs of human imperfections. – Except Jesus Christ, who is perfect? Do continue to inspire your readers to aspire.

I’ve just started my own blog slowly called “’ .The header is not quite ready.  Just doing my bits in sharing my stories/experiences in simple style – hoping that readers/visitors may pick up something of some value from the blog.

KIndest regards,
Anthony Belon

My response today to the responses [in Dayak Baru blog]  to my posting mentioned above.

§  Anthony Belon on June 16th, 2011 1:08 pm

Dear ALL who have commented on my posting in this esteemed blog.

I heard you guys loud and clear and wish to thank you for your time and your comments for whatever they are worth. Some are supportive as well as destructively positive.

Nonetheless, it is suffice to say that whatever nom de’ plume being used including the nature of comments however made are psychologically reflective of the mind-sets of the users and commentators. Bloggings and making comments are about freedom of expression (in the cyber space) not without limit.
It is not my intention to respond to your comments (however negative) herein at this point of time. Thank you all again PANGAN!!

I invite you all to “peep” into my blog at I’d posted 7 items so far. Do read all the articles thoughtfully with open mind. Analyze them between the lines for hidden meanings and messages. There may be something of your interests and issues less discussed, not known or not mentioned before in the articles. Brain-storm then therein. Judge for yourselves as you please what is (are) the purpose(s) of my blog.

To talk about my participation in last election is already in my list of articles which I’ll do and post in due time. So my friends: PAPONG ENGKILU and all, read my blog and watchout for the election story. While waiting just read what were already posted.
CHEERS.Anthony Belon

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