Sunday 12 June 2011

About Part 2

The story of “” and “Danau Alai”

“” is the chosen name since the preferred name: “Danau Alai” was not available. The name “Danau Alai” had significance in my decision in setting up this blog and called it by the name mentioned above.

DANAU ALAI” – An Iban Literature Book

(a) Its origin and translation

Danau Alai is an Iban version of the book entitled Meeting Pool: A Tale of Borneo authored by Mervyn Skipper (1929). The translation into Iban language was made by the late Tan Sri Gerunsin Lembat - an Iban who was former Sarawak’s State Secretary; and the late Mr. Pancras Eddy - an Iban broadcaster with “Radio Sarawak” who was also former Resident Sarikei Division before his retirement.

(b) “Danau Alai” and Borneo Literature Bureau (BLB)

Danau Alai was published in 1960 by Borneo Literature Bureau (BLB). It was inaugurated by British Colonial government (15.09.1958) in Batu Lintang Kuching. As the state-initiated local language development centre, BLB was set to become publishing house for the development and advancement of Iban language and literature. [By the way,Iban language was my optional subject in Form III for Sarawak Junior Examination (SJE)in 1965]. Sadly, BLB was closed down in mid 1970s by the Federal Government. It was overtaken by Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu (PRPM) called Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka (DPP). The closure of BLB “killed” the plan (already in the pipeline) to develop and advance the use Iban language, cultures and literature in Sarawak. The closure was a strategic and bold political move initiated by the federal authority then in drawing (new) programmes of nation-building by “removing obstacle” considered “detrimental” toward the advancement and the use of BM as the official and national or unity language, as well as the language to be used in schools, colleges and universities. In retrospect, the Iban language (commonly spoken through Sarawak until now) was “sacrificed” in the process.

The deveopment of Iban language "udah tinggal 40 tanjung" (already 40 years lagging behind). Until about 20-25 years ago, there were no apparent interests and organized efforts to develop and teach Iban language as (an optional) subject in primary and secondary schools. However, there was an approval (made by the federal government) to allow Iban language to be taught as a subject in schools (up to SPM level). During the recent past, Iban language was also being made into a "new studies" in language faculties in national teaching institutions. The ongoing efforts (including that of individuals) are praiseworthy albeit “better late than never”. On this important matter, FOREMOST RECOGNITION MUST be given to TUN JUGAH FOUNDATION for its pioneering spirit and untiring efforts in "turning back the clock to the 1970s" to "re-develop" and advance the use of Iban language. It is also hoped that Tun Jugah Foundation will expand its effort further and consider publishing "NENDAK" - the iconic Iban periodical published by BLB [once upon a time] anew.

(c) “Danau Alai” impacted me

Danau Alai was my Iban literature book when I was studying Primary VI (1962) in St. Christopher’s Primary School Debak. The name brings forth memories and experiences during my school days as day-student for 3 years in Pantu (from Primary I in 1957 to Primary III in 1959), and also during the last 10 years as boarding-student (in Debak, Simanggang and Miri - from Primary IV in 1960 until - Upper Sixth Form in 1969). The book caught my attention deeply. Because its narratives were focused on concerns about the ‘socio-economic well-beings and environmental issues’ affecting the survivals of the wild animals as well as “anak mensia” in Borneo Island (also known territorially as Pulau Kalimantan pre-Brooke and British Colonial era

(d) “Danau Alai” and “Animal Farm”

The narratives in Danau Alai had some parallelisms on “animals’ survival alongside humankinds” with the narratives in George Orwell’s book entitled: ANIMAL FARM - a dystopian allegorical novel. The novel is a satirical political literature with timeless relevance. Coincidentally, Animal Farm was a compulsory English Literature book when I was in Form III (1965). Its narratives explained the art of political-craft devised and employed by leaders in the Animal Farm to weld leadership positions (for self and group interests) led by '"jani" or “babi” or “kinzir” called Napoleon who himself was a white pig of Berkshire origin. Laws were changed frequently [always at night - undercover of darkness to avoid detections and head-on oppositions] to suit strategic plans of the ruling animal-elites in pursuit of greater-and-greater power aimed at increasing and perpetuating their political dominance in the name of community, economic, and politics of  development. It is interesting to relate the relevance of Animal Farm to tody's situations.

(e) “Danau Alai” - Its connection with “A-OnePakKopi. Blog”

“Danau Alai” – or lake otherwise pool was a converging point where wild animals in Borneo met to discuss issues and matters affecting their very existence alongside “anak mensia” or ”orang putih” (humankinds). With its natural environments, the surroundings of “Danau Alai” provided an ideal and safe sanctuary for the wild animals. As for “anak mensia”, the lake provided natural source of clean water, rich fishing and hunting grounds. Figuratively, the name “Danau Alai” denotes reservoir or pool of ideas, knowledge and experiences.

Thus, the name Danau Alai” symbolizes “the confluence of ideas and knowledge”. It is a “pool” where to forage for “food-for-thoughts”.

Contextually, is an imaginary “Danau Alai” in the cyberspace or padong randau ngilah remang” (literally means: “dialogue-platform-above-the-clouds”) where inflows and outflows of knowledge, information, ideas issues etc.... are shared, discussed, brain-stormed, exchanged, and stored.



  1. Manah amat jerita pasal blog nuan dalam Part 2. Mayoh amat nembiak baru diatu enda nemu jerita lama pasal jaku Iban enggau BLB.

    Jaku Iban udah tinggal 40 tanjung.

    Bup Danau Alai enggau Nendak patut dicelak baru. Tan Sri Linggi, Tan Sri James masing, Tan Sri Willaim Mawan, Tan Sri Alfred Jabu ...... patut berandau ke atur baru sereta bebatang awak ka Tun Jugah Foundation nganti BLB nyelak bup jaku Iban. DBP nadai urang baka sida Mr. Janang Ensiring enggau Jantan Umbat,

    KENA NYELAK BUP LAMA IBAN enggau nyelak Nendak.

    Terima kasih Pak Kopi ka jerita nuan enda ngerichau sereta meruan banatng penemu.

  2. Gerubi Tuai
    Knowledge is meant to be shared.
    Do share the postings in your blog.
    Knowledge is power.

    Terima kasih.
    Aku deka ngenatai ka jaku-asoh nuan ngagai Dr. Robert Menua (Research Head)enggau Pengajar Jantang sedduai Pengajar Janang Ensering.

    For your information - I will post list of bup Iban ke dikembuan aku (my collection)
